Dragon musings

yatta yatta blah blah blah......

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Its been a hard days night

and I've been sleeping like a log.... My exams are still going on, but wait there is no respite ..no yahoos no holidays after endsems are over...Its the beginning of my glorious career as a masters student...yep folks all ready on my way to becoming a matka....
heres what to do..
go through all the four stages
Denial:- what???? i'm not a matka... let go of me...I'm just a little frightened kid ... I need Mommy...
Anger:- why god why??? my friends are all out in the real world doing real jobs making real money.. why me alone. I hate the world.
Reconciliation:- Oh well...its only a year.... and yes...i have to do matkagiri..sigh
Fooling oneself:- yes ..I'll be better educated than my friends passing out after btech(true) , I'll know more than them(false) , I'll do a great ddp and not waste time.(who r u kidding?)

If still not able to adjust...then read the comic strip about a grad student in stanford..PHD comics



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